Saturday, May 29, 2010

A Two Year Old That Smokes?!

This poor two year old's name is Ardi Rizal, who is from Indonesia. He is like any normal two year old....except for the fact that he smokes TWO packs of premium brand cigarettes A DAY. His father, Mohammad Rizal, gave him his first cigarette when he was 18 MONTHS old! Mohammad Rizal said “He looks pretty healthy to me. I don’t see the problem,” when he was asked about his son's smoking habits.
The government has even offered to give the family a CAR if they can get Ardi to stop smoking, but his parents are not concerned with Ardi's smoking habits. (Source)

This is so unacceptable to me, and I'm sure to any DECENT parent! A poor two year old smoking, not just one cigarette, and not even just one pack, but TWO packs a day! The kid is going to die from smoking complications by the time he is 30 years old at this rate! How could a parent not step in and tell their two year old to not smoke? How could a parent even OFFER their TWO year old son a cigarette?!

Most two year old's who got a hold of cigarettes wouldn't even know what to do with them. In the video, Ardi is just smoking away, not choking on the smoke or even struggling, trying to figure out the correct way to hold the cigarette. I've smoked as much as this kid does in a day, my whole lifetime and that's pretty sad!

The kid can't even say 'No daddy, I don't want to smoke anymore. It's not good for me,' because he's TWO YEARS OLD!! He doesn't know any better! How the hell could a parent put their child in this kind of danger?! This is where social services should come grab the kid, at least here in the United States (I'm not sure how social services works in Indonesia, or even if there IS a social services in Indonesia for that matter), because this kind of a slap in the face to everyone, by indirectly saying 'Hey look, I don't care about my kid or his health, because I am intentionally giving him cigarettes which will cause him to have cancer and maybe other complications later on during his life!'

Parents like Ardi's just disgust me.


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